Lonely hobby

It has been ages since this blog was updated. I juz feel quite lazy lately. Maybe bcoz of work's exhaustion after a day long spending time thinking about ISO, Power 8 (huh wat's that?) and any other work stuff. And perhaps it's bcoz of my loneliness at home for almost a month since my housemate is going to US for training. It's so boring.. and guess what's my new hobby since I am alone? hehe.. COOKING.. That's cool huh..

I cook almost everyday alone with various type of recipe I've learnt from my colleagues or got it via internet. That's so interesting.. The most favorite recipe is exactly the Spaghetti Bolognese.. mm..yummy.. Juz wanna try something Italiano..hehe. I went to the newly opened Mydin Mall near my house to get all the ingredients. The bad thing is the mall was very very crowded with people. To pay at the counter, its just like nak beli tiket bas during raya. I dont know why so many people get crazy with the mydin..haha.. Forget it, back to the cooking story. I tried my fren's recipe for the first try. I brought it to office for my colleagues and the impression is.... hmmm so lazat hehe.. keep it up!

For the 2nd try, I chose to cook with the original bolognese recipe I got from internet (but no wine la, replaced with stok ayam hihi). See these pics.. Does it look nice? its absolutely delicious..

Simmering the bolognese sauce for 30 mins..That made me sweat..

AND... Presenting, the very special Spaghetti Bolognese cooked by chef M!

Wanna try it?



Sarah Azizul berkata…
sedap ka? heheh.pi tanya pulak.mestilah chef dia kata sedap. ok2.pasni masak ape pulak? leh pakat2 wat buku resepi.ngehngeh.tambah muzik sekali.
muhammad berkata…
mesti la sedap.. boleh gak wat buku resepi..atau album masak2.hehe
noraz berkata…
nampak sedap.. kongsi le resepi tu, sbb last wat spagetti dekat umah kakak.. die comment masam cikit...
if u nak try resepi ringkas try ar apam gula hangus... bahan2: 1 cawan gula, 1 cawan minyak masak, 4 cawan tepung, 1 tin susu pekat f&n, 1 sudu teh soda bikarbonat n 5 biji telur... mix everything into one including gula yg dah dimasak dengan air sampai jdi kuning gelap.. sebatikan pastu masuk dlm acaun n kukuskan die dlm 45minit... dah siap try ar
muhammad berkata…
thanks noraz =)
Sarah Azizul berkata…
album masak2 pun cun. motivasikan org yg tak minat masak, sedang belajar nak masak dan seangkatan dengannya. bagus nak ajar dak2 sekolah @ dak2 muda memasak. mak ayah pun happy sebb anak - anak depa turun ke dapur seikhlas hati selepas mendengar album masak2.

ada briliant tak? hahaha. Bg speghetti carbonara satu. Versi tuan blog ni ye.
noraz berkata…
jgn lupa send to me resepi spagetti if u free... mane tau btoi2 buleh wat buku resepi.....
muhammad berkata…
spaghetti carbonara dah try buat..versi tom cruise punye. die masak kat oprah winfrey show.. tp x berape jd la haha..nnti nak try yg lain plak.
khilkhir berkata…
ni Mydin kt MiTC tu ke?its very crowded...fed up to go there
Tanpa Nama berkata…
kje smbilan eh..hehehe..cooking best taw espicially utk dessert..dh mkn mknan berat mesti ada dessert kan...-anis_artslife