


Thank you Allah for giving me this beautiful time to ponder the journey of my life

Thank you Allah for everything You have given to me

Thank you Allah for showering me with your greatest love

Thank you Allah for providing me the light, showing me the right path

Thank you Allah for giving me the strength to go on

Grant me the strength to live in your way and die in your way..



Tanpa Nama berkata…
selamat hari lahir...
selamat menempuh ranjau kehidupan...
cik s berkata…
happy birthday...
wish you have a nice day..
may Allah bless you every time...
teruskan berjalan tanpa henti.. :-)
Tanpa Nama berkata…
selamat hari lahir.
semoga di rahmati Allah selalu.
Unknown berkata…
happy birthday 2 you...may Allah bless u lways...happy in your life..
Unknown berkata…
Ulasan ini telah dialihkan keluar oleh pengarang.
Puteri berkata…
ur bday?
happy belated bday!